- Poreklo in leto izida: Slovenija
- Izid filma: 1993
- Regija: R2
- Studio: Universal Studios
- Število diskov: 1
- Pakiranje: standard / keepcase
- Trajanje: 133 min
- Oštevilčeno: ne
- Izdaja vsebuje: /
- Razpoložljivost: v prosti prodaji
Gerry Conlon: I'm an innocent man. I spent 15 years in prison for something I didn't do. I watched my father die in a British prison for something he didn't do. And this government still says he's guilty. I want to tell them that until my father is proved innocent, until all the people involved in this case are proved innocent, until the guilty ones are brought to justice, I will fight on. In the name of my father and of the truth!
Spoiler alert!
(Ne oglejte si posnetka, če bi radi gledali film od začetka - kar precej razkrije...)
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