Friday, 15 May 2009

Shoot 'Em Up (ITA)


  1. Love it. Need to get it aswell. But I already have the Blu-Ray...Help me!!!! :)

  2. Very nice, I've still not seen this movie.

    I don't think I've seen a dvd box like this before?

  3. Christi, you know what they say - the more the merrier!! *evil smile*

    James, apart from the first 20 secs of chewing on a freaking carrot, this one is packed with action sequences. Bit brutal, but in a good way :) A must-see ;) It's my first ''magnet box'' as well, haven't seen it before either.

  4. Well I'll have to pick it up as it's cheap the now. And it's called a magnet box? What will they think of next hehe.

  5. Em, no, it's not really called that... I named it, 'cause I couldn't think of anything else. Officially I think it's just a Collector's Edition.

  6. LOL! Well I think you should copyright it because you just know one day soon it's going to get used haha. It's a magnet box to me from now on though. Collector's Edition is sooo 2001.

  7. Hmm...The Grudge Korea Box is also magnetic ;) And I got some other magnetic editions...So nothing new, but still it looks great!

    But I think I pass..Maybe I'm just going for normal BD releases the next time...

  8. Ha, it is?? Haven't seen it yet. So which ones do you have? :)

  9. I had have some south Park Editions with magnets but it long time ago. And soemthing else, but I cant remember...

    So, what is wring with the forum? I misssss it :( Did the warn us? I did not read anything that they will make some reconstruction...

  10. Nah, AFAIK they're just ''remodelling'', no need to worry. They did, however, say they'll be back up today, on Thursday. Check back every now and then, see if it's up already - it's gonna happen sooner or later :)

    From what I've seen the site's gonna look pretty awesome! *2 thumbs up*

    Miss it too... :)

  11. Just seen it:

    "Sorry. The forums are still closed. Please come back Friday night or Saturday morning. Sorry for the delay. But it will be worth it."


  12. Jop, read it too.But the new design really looks great. A bit more fresh :)
    Hope its back soon :)
